From consulting and strategy development to implementation and support, MNNSP's comprehensive services can help your business thrive.
Landscape Planning and Assessment
The assessment work of MNNSP is usually in the form of Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments (LVIAs) as part of the wider EIA process, or Landscape and Visual Appraisals (LVA).
MNNSP can also help with Equality Impact Assessments (EqIA) for various types of developments including residential, mixed-use, etc.
Landscape Design
The design work of MNNSP covers all work stages from inception to construction for any scale or complexity of a project, spanning private gardens to nationally significant infrastructure projects.
The main environmental challenges the design work of MNNSP addresses are climate change, biodiversity, protection and conservation of the natural and built environment.
Urban Design and Masterplanning
MNNSP offers expertise in site planning, green infrastructure and placemaking and can prepare landscape-led masterplans of new neighbourhoods, residential settlements, and city centres.
The masterplans designed and led by MNNSP bring added value to developments, creating organic places where the built and natural environment work together to address various planning considerations.
Areas of Expertise
High-profile | Infrastructure | Mixed-use | Commercial | Hospitality | Residential | International and Urban Realm| Masterplans | Landscape planning and design | LVIA | Planting design | Detailed design